Friday, February 22, 2008

Animal and plant cells

Pupils of 5H, what is interesting about cells?


cutie pie said...

i find that having expariment for science can let me understand more

Anonymous said...

i find experiement can make me know science

sean tan said...
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sean tan said...

mr lee let us see more about cells that we do not understand and let us see things very small that our naked eyes cannot see

Nasrul said...

cells is awesome,seriously,ilove to see them under the microscope,observing the nuclues!

Nasrul said...

its awesome,i love to see the cells under a microscope because i will try to spot the nucleus and see how it looks like.

Anonymous said...

experiement can make me know more knowledge about science

the boy said...

the experiment was cool and intresting some of my classmates find it difficult to find the nueclus.THE SCIENCE WAS AWSOME DUDE

Anonymous said...

Cells is a very fun topic and it's really interesting... At first I thought it would be disgusting but I found out it was really cool. Right now, we are starting with elecricity and I'm looking forward to it. =D

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that you can only see the cell when you use a mircoscope. But wha about the other ''scopes'' ?

Anonymous said...

Mr Lee, Alison here. Why the blog so dead?